5 Simple Things to Keep Mind & Body Healthy: Covid-19

5 Simple Things to Keep Mind & Body Healthy: Covid-19

It is no secret our world is in despair right now and life as we know it has been flipped upside down. For many, this is becoming increasingly stressful time, and that added stress can quickly begin to take a toll on our mental and physical health. While social distancing sounds easy enough, staying home for weeks on end is easier said than done. It can quickly affect your sanity and that is why it is SO important to implement some changes and shake up your daily norms to keep things fresh and fun, no matter what your age.

Fear not, here are a few simple things we can do to stay happy and healthy while we ride this one out.

1. Fuel your body with whole foods and boost your immune system from the inside out

First things first, what will we eat?? While everyone is stocking up on canned goods and toilet paper, I will be stocking up on whole foods packed with Antioxidants to boost my immune system at a time I need it most. Antioxidants help protect the body from illness by neutralizing excess free radicals and reducing inflammation.

With resources being limited and the need for our grocery orders to last longer than usual, you’ll find my freezer packed with organic frozen veggies and fruit, Millennia Tea Cubes, as well as free-range meats and fish. In my pantry you’ll find a variety of dried beans, canned tomatoes, cartons of broth and some longer lasting veggies (potatoes, squash, onions, carrots). Rather than stocking up on canned soup full of preservatives and sodium, I plan to utilize my ingredients to prep large batches of healthy soups, chili, and pasta sauces packed full of immune boosting ingredients to last us the long haul.

In addition to eating healthy, whole foods, I’m upping my green tea intake because green tea is both anti-bacterial, anti-viral and packed with beneficial antioxidants. I plan to start each day with a Millennia Tea cube, the cubes can be re-steeped 3 or more times, so I will consume at least three cups throughout the day (Millennia tea contains five (5) times the antioxidants of traditional dried organic green teas!). Because the tea leaves are food grade, I will also be popping them into my smoothies, soups, baked goods and more. By consuming the leaves themselves you get the maximum health benefit: 15 times the antioxidants over a cup of traditional green tea made from the very same leaves.

While my kitchen will be packed full of healthy whole foods and teas, you can without a doubt find a pack of Oreos and some ice cream. This is a stressful time. If you are eating healthy, immune boosting meals, don’t deprive yourself from a treat now and then. It’s all about balance!


2. Organize and declutter your home

Personally, if I am going to be spending endless hours in my home for the next few weeks, it needs to be clean and somewhat put together. We all have that never-ending list of tasks to do around the house that never seem to get done, because we simply don’t have the time. Suddenly, we have been gifted a huge amount of time at home, and that can lead to feelings of being overwhelmed with the sense you should be accomplishing something at all hours of the day. We can’t spend the next 2+ weeks cleaning because… well… that just wouldn’t be any fun.

To remain productive and at ease, I have created a list of all the small tasks that need to be done around the house: clean out the closets, wipe down the kitchen cabinets, organize the pantry, crack fill that dent in the wall from three years ago… and the list goes on. We then have one hour a day set aside, dedicated to completing a task on the list. This way we get the satisfaction of finally completing these daunting chores and can slowly feel the home come together without spending hours on end tidying and leaving lots of time for more enjoyable activities. I even find myself looking forward to completing my task for the day.


3. Practice those healthy habits you don’t usually have time for

This one can be so simple but have a huge impact on both your physical and mental health while practicing social distancing. When you wake up in the morning, make yourself that healthy breakfast that you don’t usually have time for and then sit down and enjoy every bite. Working from home? Do a quick workout in your living room on your lunch break, just because you can. One of the local yoga studios in my hometown (Yoga Haus) has been offering daily free online classes, so I have been rolling out my mat and taking full advantage each day during my break. It’s not often that I can do a practice during work hours and then resume working still wearing my yoga pants. The options are endless, whatever it may be, take this extra time and use it to give your body the extra TLC that it deserves.


4. Get some fresh air

While social distancing does mean avoiding others and staying home, it doesn’t mean you have to stay inside. Nothing feels better than some fresh air after being cooped up. Go for a walk, a hike or a bike ride. Get out and tidy your yard or start preparing your garden if the weather allows. If you have a furry friend, they will also enjoy the extra fresh air fun to burn off some pent-up energy. As we quickly transition from winter to spring, haul out your patio furniture and spend some time meditating or just sitting outdoors, taking in deep breaths of that fresh spring air. Even opening your windows for a few minutes can give you the mood boost you need. Make a point to get a bit of fresh air each and every day. I promise, your mind, body and soul will thank you.


5. Take some time to appreciate the slow pace that the world is currently spinning

Without overlooking the fact that we are in this middle of a world-wide crisis, I cannot help but appreciate the fact that it has forced us all to take step back and slow down. While there was a sense of panic in the beginning, it has been followed with a sense of calm as we all take cover in the comfort of our homes with the ones we love the most. In the afternoon when I am usually commuting, I now have time to sit with a good book. In the evening when I am usually prepping lunches and preparing for the work day ahead I have time to curl up and watch a movie or write in my journal. Our weekends that are usually spent running errands around busy malls and grocery stores can now be spent playing board games with our loved ones or watching movies under blanket forts. I’ve spent more quality time with my family and had more meaningful conversations in the last week than I have in years. And while I hope this pandemic slows, and the impact is quickly rectified, I also believe it is so important for us all to take note of this slower pace and utilize this precious time for all that it offers.

I wish you all a happy, healthy body, mind and soul as I write this to you from my front window, curled up in a blanket, sipping on some Millennia TEA, taking in each day as it comes.

Cheers xox
