Why You Should Eat More Nutrient Dense Foods

Why You Should Eat More Nutrient Dense Foods

Written by Our Official Science Steeper: Allison Tannis, MSc RHN 


Eating more nutrient-dense food is important with rising levels of obesity linked to the consumption of too much energy-dense food (and sedentary lifestyles), according to researchers. Estimates suggest low consumption of nutrient-dense plants contributes to cardiovascular disease and cancer worldwide. Finding easy-to-use, nutrient-dense plant-based foods is important to optimize health. You’ll be surprised where you’ll find one of the most nutrient-dense foods – in your freezer! Freshly frozen tea leaves are deceptive with their tiny, simple appearance – yet, have a Nutritional Fact Panel that’s worth getting excited about! Freshly frozen tea leaves may be one of the most nutrient-dense foods you could eat.


5 Reasons to Eat More Nutrient Dense Foods

  • Lower risk of heart disease
  • Satisfies hunger
  • Supports healthier body weight
  • Linked with lower rates of mortality
  • Delicious


One of the Most Nutrient-Dense Foods: Freshly Frozen Tea Leaves

Some of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet are arguably salmon, kale, seaweed, and herbs. How do freshly frozen tea leaves compare? Very nutrient-dense, freshly frozen tea leaves rank among kale as the best leafy greens you could eat  ‘BEST LEAFY GREENS TO EAT’. It’s incredible how nutrient-dense freshly frozen tea leaves are: just 2 cubes of Millennia Tea contain more antioxidants than blueberries. No wonder Millennia Tea is called Superfood!



Did you know freshly frozen tea leaves offer plant-based protein, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals?


What Nutrients are in Freshly Frozen Tea Leaves?

Let’s compare the nutrition facts of freshly frozen tea leaves to popular leafy greens and sought-after berries. Freshly frozen tea leaves are nutrient-dense: tossing two cubes of Millennia Tea into your blender adds more fiber, calcium and iron, than the same amount of kale, broccoli, or baby spinach respectively. Plus, it’s a source of plant-based protein - there are 2 grams of protein in two cubes of Millennia Tea.


Study Shows Freshly Frozen Tea Leaves are More Nutritious

In a Canadian laboratory, researchers investigated freshly frozen tea leaves, flash frozen quickly after they were hand-harvested to determine the nutrient content. Of note, flash freezing produce quickly after harvest is a well-established way to limit nutrient loss, verified in many previous studies. The Canadian laboratory results indicated freshly frozen tea leaves contained many valuable nutrients. Here’s a closer look at the nutrients researchers found in freshly frozen tea leaves:



Nutrition Fact Panel

Per 2 cubes

  • Carbohydrate 2 g
  • Fibre 2 g
  • Protein, plant-based 2 g
  • Potassium 100 mg
  • Calcium 20 mg
  • Iron 0.4 mg
  • Not a significant source of saturated fat, trans fat, sugars, cholesterol, or sodium.


What Nutrients are in Freshly Frozen Tea Leaves?

Freshly frozen tea leaves contain many essential nutrients, as well as plant-based protein, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. With very few calories, freshly frozen tea leaves are a nutrient dense food.



6 Key Nutrients in Freshly Frozen Tea Leaves:

1. Plant-Based Protein

Eating more plant-based proteins may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and death among middle-aged adults, according to the Journal of the American Heart Association.


2. Fiber

The importance of fiber in the diet has expanded beyond happy visits to the porcelain throne. In a review of over 300 studies, eating more dietary fiber was linked with lower rates of heart disease and some forms of cancer.


3. Antioxidant

Eating antioxidant-rich foods reduce oxidative stress in the body, helping maintain normal function and balance. Oxidative stress may be the root cause of chronic diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurodegeneration, and aging, according to scientists.


4. Calcium

Health benefits of appropriate calcium intake include lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and the prevention of osteoporosis, according to scientific evidence.


5. Iron

Research notes iron is important for oxygen transport and DNA synthesis, with a potential role in neurodegenerative disease, suggesting iron-rich foods are worthy of inclusion in your diet.


6. Potassium

According to scientists, potassium intake should be promoted to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke, and protect against bone loss.



Why Don’t All Tea Packages have Nutritional Fact Panels?

The dried teabags you find at the store may or may not contain a Nutritional Fact panel, based on your country’s regulations. In Canada, you’ll find dried tea bags and loose-leaf dried tea with Nutritional Fact panels and others without. There are various reasons for this, some of which include the simplicity of one ingredient, as well as in some cases the lack of nutrients to boast on a panel. Inside a dried teabag are leaves from the Camillia sinensis plant (dried or minimally processed to create dried black, green, oolong or matcha). Once dried and processed, tea leaves lose some of their nutritional value. Millennia Tea is different - it’s freshly frozen tea leaves. Freshly frozen tea leaves are more comparable to a package of spinach, while dried tea bags are more of a pantry staple. By ensuring the freshly picked tea leaves are quickly flash frozen after they have been handpicked there is minimal nutrient loss.


Millennia Tea: Real. Raw. Antioxidant-rich.




Eat More Millennia Tea Leaves

Freshly frozen tea leaves could be one of the most nutrient-dense foods you could eat. Eat more freshly frozen tea leaves! Eating more nutrient-dense food, and including physical activity in your routine, allows for optimal health throughout your life-course, according to researchers.


Get healthy with frozen tea leaves.


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