Five more good-feeling minutes

Five more good-feeling minutes

That’s the reason Rory and I got into business. Because when you believe you could lose someone you love, time takes on new meaning.
In our case, it was Rory’s dad. He sat at our kitchen table in late 2014 and explained how he’d had a seizure after a workout. They’d done some scans at the hospital and found a mass on his brain. He’d lost a sister to brain cancer. It didn’t look good.
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What’s a straightforward ‘detox-like’ way to do a cleanse?

What’s a straightforward ‘detox-like’ way to do a cleanse?

I’m part way through a week-long cleanse. It’s got me in a really good mood.. feeling clear and energized. It’s nothing crazy or super restrictive. I kept it simple. Did the prep at home with my Vitamix, some jars, and a nut milk bag.
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From Tracy Bell - Co-Founder & CEO: How we started Millennia TEA

From Tracy Bell - Co-Founder & CEO: How we started Millennia TEA

I didn’t come up with the idea for Millennia TEA. In fact I pushed against it for months. I didn’t understand. Cleaning and freezing fresh tea leaves? If the idea had merit, why wasn’t the industry doing it already? Rory’s vision for the future won me over. He saw the tea plant’s powerful role in promoting health and longevity – in giving people ‘more good moments’ with their loved ones.
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World Cancer Day: Why it matters so much to Millennia TEA

World Cancer Day: Why it matters so much to Millennia TEA

As a way to begin honouring our own story and the story of so many members of our customer communi-TEA, we have partnered with the Saint John Regional Hospital Foundation to support and enhance access to cancer care in our local hospital. 
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We loved highlighting the women in our team so much on Mother's Day, it's time to put the Millennia TEA men in the spotlights! We hope you enjoy getting to know the TEAm as much as we enjoy introducing them to you.
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Motherhood Q&A with CEO + Co-Founder, Tracy

Motherhood Q&A with CEO + Co-Founder, Tracy

Two years ago, as a way to celebrate Mother’s Day, we decided to a ask our own TEAm here at Millennia Tea what being a mother means to them. So much has changed over the past few years, so we thought we'd ask again to put renewed words to our most cherished role: "mom."

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Frozen TEA-Food Now in Loblaws Freezers Across Canada

Frozen TEA-Food Now in Loblaws Freezers Across Canada

Our dream for Millennia TEA from the start has been to help people and families from coast to coast (and eventually around the globe) have easy access to frozen green tea, so they can feel better and have more energy. Fast forward to present, and the dream has become reality.

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Tracy Bell, Co-Founder and CEO - Successful Morning Routine

Tracy Bell, Co-Founder and CEO - Successful Morning Routine

I love the start of a New Year. It represents a fresh start in so many ways. It’s a chance to reflect on the kind of person we’ve been, and an opportunity to upgrade our identity, as well as to set the daily actions that contribute to becoming that new and improved version of self.
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The story behind our journey to fresh tea – Pt:2

The story behind our journey to fresh tea – Pt:2

I’m a pretty positive person, generally speaking. I believe things are always working out for me (and for all of us), regardless of what is unfolding in this red hot moment. I believe appreciation for what we have is the most effective way to get what we want. 
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#RealMenDrinkTEA : A Father’s Day Tribute!

#RealMenDrinkTEA : A Father’s Day Tribute!

Despite the notion that “real men don’t drink tea,” the drink not only has a long and surprisingly manly history, but its health benefits continue to make it a wise (& tasty) choice for all modern men. As a way to celebrate Father’s Day, we thought we’d share some of the manly history around TEA and chat with the DADs on our Millennia TEAm about Fatherhood!
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The Story Behind Our Journey To FRESH TEA - PT:1

The Story Behind Our Journey To FRESH TEA - PT:1

It’s taken me a long time to be ready to tell our story. Truth be told, I’m not sure I’m ready yet. But as it is with anything in life, the important stuff isn’t comfortable. It’s messy, and leaves you feeling vulnerable and exposed – afraid of being judged, of looking unrefined, of hurting someone’s feelings or getting in trouble like a child who speaks out against an adult. 
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A Chat About Motherhood With Co-Founder Tracy Bell

A Chat About Motherhood With Co-Founder Tracy Bell

Hi, I’m Tracy. I’m the co-founder of Millennia TEA with my husband Rory, and we’re on a mission to help people feel well and live their potential. Entrepreneurs (and creators of all kinds really J) often say their creations are like their babies, and I resonate with that... so in addition to our “company baby” we have two incredible real-life children: our daughter Sydney, 12 (grade 7), and our son Lincoln, 9 (grade 4). We also have a dog. Loki is a 10-year-old (we think) pit bull we adopted in the fall. He fills our home with an overflow of love and makes us laugh out loud.
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