3 Ways to Use Superfood TEA Cubes

3 Ways to Use Superfood TEA Cubes

Author: Kim Dykeman

Would you consider yourself someone who makes healthy choices, on the whole?  Someone who does your best to eat a nutritious and balanced diet? Who incorporates some sort of exercise into your daily routine, and believes the food that enters your body has huge potential to affect your health either negatively or positively?   

I think there are a great deal of us who have a solid understanding of the basics of good health. We have been educated to know Kale is good for us (even if we don’t LOVE it), and too much refined sugar is bad for us (sad but true). We have learned the humble blueberry is in fact a “superfood” and is packed with antioxidants, and conversely, we know a diet heavy in fried foods is NOT a good idea.  We have a world of information at our fingertips and are learning and growing in our knowledge of things health related every day.  All this to say… 

I would like to challenge your thinking. 

I would like to educate you on the Superfood that is tea. 

Before I do that though, I need you to think outside of the traditional tea box. In fact, I would like you to throw that box out the window. 


I would like to talk about a specific green tea that has all the other superfoods you can think of beat.  Hands down.  It makes the humble blueberry look like a French fry (well not really, but you get the point). 

This tea is






Millennia TEA is green tea at its finest.  This tea is picked fresh, then washed and flash frozen to preserve all the amazing properties that make green tea so good for you. It’s food grade, which means you can eat it (don’t try that with your dried version!).  Because it’s frozen at the peak of freshness and never processed, it delivers much higher levels of antioxidants (specifically the powerhouse EGCG) than any other green tea on the market, and because you can eat the whole leaf, you get ALL of that good stuff. I’m not going to go into the specific benefits of EGCG here, but trust me, you want as high a level of this antioxidant as you can get.

Given all that information, I’d like to suggest some ways you can incorporate this amazing little leaf into your daily diet. You can thank me later. 

Cook with it

This can be as simple as throwing a tea cube into almost anything.  As I mentioned, Millennia TEA is food grade, so you can add it into sauces (think pasta sauce and pesto), soups, stir fries, dips… the list is endless. Those of you who are parents know this trick well.  You want your kids to eat healthy, so you sneak veggies into all kinds of things.  Same goes here... add that cube into all your meals just like you would kale, spinach or parsley, but imagine, this is better for you than any of those!

Blend it

Two different applications that I’m going to suggest here. 

First: Use a cube in your smoothie.  Chances are your dumping a lot of good stuff in that blender if you’re a smoothie person.  How about you add one of the most powerful ingredients available, and put a tea cube or tablespoon of the chopped Millennia TEA in there. 

Second: Drink it as blender tea.  What I am referring to here is pop a tea cube into your blender, add nearly-boiling water, and then blend it (for a solid 60 seconds).  Sounds simple? It is. How many things can you say are that simple, but are so good for you? The flavour is a bit stronger, so this might not be for everyone, but it’ll give you an awesome energy boost. And for those who don’t love the stronger taste, remember, you can cook with it or use the smoothie option 😊

Drink it

For those of you who really enjoy a lovely cup of tea, you will not be disappointed.  The tea is beautiful.  It smells amazing.  Millennia TEA is mild in flavour and never bitter.  You can, and should, re steep your tea at least 3 times to take advantage of the health benefits.  And don’t throw those leaves out after your done with them, use them in your meals or smoothies!


Having worked in the health care system (specifically in pharmacy) for many years, I’ve watched, and helped, so many people navigate that overwhelming Vitamin aisle to try and help them with their needs.  Most often, they are looking for a product that will help their body function at its best. 

I’d like to have you think outside that tea box one more time.  Next time you’re at the grocery store, look for your best option for “vitamins” or “health food” in the freezer.  Not the vitamin aisle, or the regular tea aisle, or the produce section.   


Thanks for being open to new information, and cheers to good health!!





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